Make Money NOW!
bit·coin bitËŒkoin/ noun; plural noun: bitcoins
a type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.
Read HERE the CNN Money article validating the Bitcoin success.
Bitcoin value has had a massive correction! Collecting a few satoshi can really add up now more than ever before. Most faucet owners have adjusted their rewards upward based on the lower bitcoin costs and are now inclined to pay. If a faucet is low on funds, try again in a few hours or the next day. Collect any earned funds as soon as you reach minimum withdrawal requirements. Diligence will pay-off, especially as we ride the Bitcoin adjustments happening now - it is predicted that the value will go back up SOON!
The value of a Bitcoin changes minute to minute based on many factors. Investing in any cryptocurrency is risky and it is not recommended to purchase Bitcoins just to profit from their increase in value on a short term basis. However, collecting satoshi (a fraction of a Bitcoin) without spending money will only risk your time invested because 1 Bitcoin = 1 Bitcoin now and in the future, regardless of its exchange rate. A safe way to profit from the rise of Bitcoin value is to collect free satoshi and then buy positions in programs with your saved satoshi to increase your overall ownership of Bitcoin.
This is a basic "how to" plan with ideas to help make your efforts reap more results with less hassles. Collecting bitcoins requires a little effort and dedication of time. Persistence pays off when collecting free bitcoins.
STEP 1: Open a bitcoin wallet. I suggest COINBASE & COINPAYMENTS. Both are free and have multiple security checks for your benefit. It is easy to transfer BTC between these two wallets. Different programs utilize one or the other of these wallets, so it is good to set them up for future use.
STEP 2: Log into each of your bitcoin wallets and obtain a bitcoin address. Save this address on a word document for easy reference to use for all your bitcoin collections because a new bitcoin address is automatically generated for each request on Coinbase and stays associated with your account forever (so it is safe to reuse them). It is just easier to keep things simple by using one address for all your bitcoin collecting.
STEP 3: Create an account with FaucetHub, a micro-payment wallet that offer faucet lists. Using the same bitcoin address for all your bitcoin collection activities is essential when sites change their affiliations, especially with micro-payment wallets.
STEP 4: Set up a folder for bitcoin sites in your bookmarks to easily access your accounts. Bookmark the login page of each of your accounts and store them in your bitcoin folder.
STEP 5: Bookmark this page for easy reference.
STEP 6: Create your own page similar to this to market your links to others. The more referrals you have in each program, the more referral commissions you can make - this is the number one trick to make more faster.
STEP 7: Withdraw your earnings as soon as you reach the minimum required for withdrawal from each program. Many programs come and go quickly - they just run out of money that they are giving away for free. I personally do not upgrade in any program because of this, I just take the money I earn as quickly as I can. When a faucet does run low, they often reload withing a few hours - don't give up until they disappear.
STEP 8: Join bitcoin faucets and start earning. This is a list of currently working programs that are paying - Updated regularly. Don't miss the links below - New faucets are added almost daily.
STEP 9: Join programs such as Crypto Shuffler and purchase positions that have unlimited growth potential. Read the FAQs to learn details to maximize your earnings.
It is highly recommended to check out any new site at The Bad List before investing any money or spending lots of your time accumulating satoshi if the site is known not to pay.
Fun NEW Game from the owners of Faucet Hub: The more you level up, the easier it is to earn satoshi - fun and profitable game!
Crypto Mining Game THIS IS MY CURRENT FAVORITE FAUCET (Mining Game - not a real mining site, but easy to use & earn free crypto coins)
All Other Faucets: Especially now that bitcoins are rising in value, many faucets will often have insufficient funds on a temporary basis - just visit again later. All of these are current and refill their funds often.
Pays to Faucet Hub:
Hot Coins (play the game, spin the wheel and claim with bonus)
Pays to Wallet (often with minimum balance requirements):
adBTC (click daily to earn about 1500+ satoshi per day)
BTC Clicks (Great reliable site)
Moon Bitcoin (Claim daily to build up loyalty bonus)
Trust BTC Faucet (claim faucet, roll dice, enter raffle)
Swiss Ads Pays Faucet (roll and lottery)
Bit Fun (play games PLUS great faucet)
Something Different:
Golden Farm (testing this site without investing, but if it works it could be productive)
Captcha programs are not all alike. If you have problems with them, you should try a different server. Chrome works with most Captcha when Firefox and Internet Explorer have multiple failures.
There are a multitude of sites that offer free bitcoins for clicking on ads beyond those listed here. The biggest difference for most of these sites is the speed at which they transfer the coins you earn to your wallet once you meet their minimums for payment.
Remember that most of the free faucets make their money selling advertising and some of the better paying accounts utilize pop-up ads. Unfortunately, we have to put up with these ads to earn money from the sites. I close all pop-ups as quickly as I see them starting to load and find this does not interfere with earnings.
Don't give up on a site till they tell you they are closing. Not always, but sometimes sites that have gone off line or have "insufficient funding" return to normal activity in a few days. If you have no money invested, there is no harm checking back in till you get the opportunity to cash out. Many of the faucet owners are inexperienced and it takes them a little time to figure things out.
Most captcha only require the letters not punctuation or capitalization. Simply type the words and spaces you see.
​Bitcoins were created as an universal currency to enhance global online business. It took time to grow to the stable market it is today, but Bitcoins are now a viable alternative accepted worldwide. Bitcoins are not perfect, but they are a great alternative to payment processors in today's world especially with the processor's increasing fees and regulations.
Bitcoins were created for online entrepreneurs and all the programs listed here reward you for referring others. Earning free bitcoins takes time - 1000s of satoshi cash out to only a few cents, but they do add up quicker than you think when you collect on multiple sites at the same time. Don't give up, your efforts will pay off especially when you compound your earnings (investigating safer programs and will keep you updated)!
Collecting Bitcoins takes time and determination, but it does pay. If you put $1,000 in a savings account, it would earn you about $1.67 per month in today's market. You can easily earn 10 times that without any investment simply collecting Bitcoins joining multiple sites, answer some captchas and collect free satoshi.